Rant: Comprehension is Key

I’d like to think I’m a “naturally” caring person and I don’t discriminate according to whoever is related to me. If in my perception you’re good, you’re good. It’s that simple. Also, I’m a blabber mouth when I feel the need to dump horrible or almost horrible feelings. The blabber mouth comes out, especially when I think someone I care for is or did anything wrong, to the point that, I am also annoyed at myself. “Let them be, self.” But then there’s, “But that’s wrong.”

Long story short, I usually go with going on with the whole mini-“confrontation”. And there’s this one that I’ve been itching to rant about since it happened. It was yesterday and I finally found the time to log on to good old Facebook. I don’t usually visit profiles nor do I usually roam the News Feed, unless they’re family. That day, which was yesterday, a person, whose connection to me won’t be revealed, supposedly posted joke in the form of a rhetorical question which in English meant, “Won’t it be queer to kill today? Would that be okay?”

His friends were almost rejoicing at the idea. It even made him ask who he’d “kill” first for which his girlfriend joyfully said, “Me.” I know the funny part of the said joke, however, given that there are people who are considered suspects for crimes because of jokes or statements such as what he posted. And, well, who knows, some of his friends or friends of friends might actually be involved in stuff like that. Heck, he could be accused with them even if he has no “motive”.  I know I’m paranoid but it was sort of just a reminder. So, I said, in the lightest way possible,

“You do realize people, even cops, COULD take this as a real threat. People have been put to jail because of these things. Be careful.”

I would like to stress the word COULD, given that I meant there is a possibility and it was never assuming, in any way, that he and/or his friends would actually do it.

His friends normally freak out or hate me (like most people who don’t know me do, on second thought, some know me. Whatev) whenever they get even the slightest whiff of my virtual scent. Anyhow, my Facebook name is different so this guy went and said (or at least I think he said),

“That’s not a threat. That’s just our gang’s form of expression. To people who don’t know us, leave us alone.”

Apparently, he didn’t understand the comment. Plus he said, “give us along”, I’m only assuming the “leave us alone” part cause it kinda sounds like it. 😉 Moving on, I know both people and when I tried to explain my aforementioned comment, he never replied again.

In an odd twist of the story, the girlfriend replied to my comment. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand what she said. All I read were blah, blah, blah, blah, no person involved, blah, blah, not a threat, blah, blah, I care for my boyfriend, blah, blah, you’re his ___, blah, blah.

So yeah, I decided to tell her I didn’t understand a thing and that I will delete my first comment so that no other people would be involved. And today, I checked the thing out, no more girlfriend comment. 😛

I KNOW I am part wrong for whatever I did. In my defense, however, there’s nothing wrong with being careful. And their comprehension is off. Regardless, I feel bad for slightly insulting people. :/