Culinary Battle Burn

Yesterday I’ve been blabbing about oil hitting my skin after it “magically” flew into the air.

I was frying Milk Fish marinated in soy sauce and lemon. The first batch went smoothly, the usual oil jumping out of the pan going places, nothing unusual. So, I thought, Ha! Not bad! Then the time for a new batch to fry. First fish part in, oil was quite the usual – angry and bubbly and stuff. In came the second piece. It was half of the fish’s head and had more soy sauce in it. I actually thought it would just do the usual angry oil thing that happens while frying but noooooo. Bam! or whatever oil sounded like, then “droplets” started to come down from the air. It looked as if it was meant for me cause it didn’t go anywhere else but to me. The result, two red circles on each arm and a sore right eye lid. Yes, it almost landed on my stinkin’ eyes!

So that’s what happened. Have fun cooking! 😉

Origpost 3.31.11

Lost for Words…Word Spelling

With words that rhyme,  I sometimes  randomly forget how to spell some words correctly. I do check after though, or sometimes just notice its wrong. In rare cases, like the only one time that it happened, pronunciation was the issue. Now that I thought about it, two times. Ha! One, was when I first “hosted” this I-don’t-know-what-it’s-called-program.  Two, was in a very surprising class where the scary principal took our teacher’s place for the day.

Enough talk, let the examples roll in. A few minutes ago, as I was logging in and typing my password. You know, chairs like the ones we sit on. I spelled it CHARES. Which would have been a word if C were S.  Had I not notice it that fast, I would have been all worried about someone hacking into my account which isn’t possible because I’m just starting. HAHA! Ridiculous. Now that I mentioned it, I may have to change my password. 😛 With the pronunciation issue I brought up up there, I hate to say it because it was one of the simplest words to read. Imagine reading Sashes as Sachet in front of a few hundred people. Embarrassing, I tell you. Embarrassing. Hey, I was scared. HAHA! But, I can only laugh about it now and try not to do it again. I know you guys have those, too. 😉


What a good title. I’d have to give myself a pat in the back. *pat* And this isn’t even an informative blog. Kidding aside, I wanted to talk about Diarrhea because of this interesting conversation I had with my brother, younger brother. I have two brothers so I’m just gonna refer to him as Bro#1. He’s 19, by the way.

Anyway, we were in the boys room when I said, I may have diarrhea. And we all know what that means, frequent trips to the wash room to do Number 2 (without taking drugs). As I was complaining about stomach pain and all, suddenly he said something so unpredictable, I just laughed the moment I heard it. He said, “that’s great!” And why is that great, I asked. You maybe wondering the same thing, too. And here’s what he said, …for losing weight. You don’t have to do anything, you just go. I couldn’t help but laugh. I don’t really know if it’s a good idea to lose weight and I’m not sure if it does make someone lose weight. But the first two words made my day. This may be not funny to some people. 😉

For the record, turns out, I don’t have Diarrhea. haha Take Care everyone! Eat healthy!