Good Morning, Sunshine!

The dawn is always beautiful. The array of colors is just very relaxing. I love how it turns pitch black to violet to blue and how the sun peers in its round, un-stare-able brightness in all its glory matched by the sound of birds. Plus its cold. I just love it. It’s perfect. *inhales deep*

The dawn is always beautiful. I don’t know why I keep missing it everyday.

(Story: I woke up at 4:45 in the morning today. I went to church cause I wasn’t able to do that yesterday.)

Good Morning, Everyone! God Bless you all!

And to my best friend, Sarah, Happy Monday! :))

Serious Stuff…Kidding!

Whilst looking out the window, admiring the dark view from across our house, inhaling the cold mountain or hill air brought about by the rain, I heard a girl crying. No, it wasn’t modest. It wasn’t sniffing noises, it was full on sobbing and weeping matched with a vehement rant towards her boyfriend. And yes, the guy cheated on her. How I found out? Someone told me. And no, I did not ask. πŸ˜› I’m serious.

Unfortunately, it has been about half an hour or more since the crying started, until now, she’s still going at it. Poor lady.Β Anyhow, I don’t know how people feel the urge to cheat, I’m not here to judge people. I’m just reminding you guys to stay faithful. πŸ˜‰

Furthermore, after looking through my blogs, I have convinced myself again that I mostly write about useless things. Cats, rats, insects – people encounter them but you know, they’re not pressing issues. πŸ˜› I actually wanted to try writing “serious stuff” but I won’t be able to effectively do that without citing examples that I’ve lived and I do not want to compromise my family and friends – in case the issue is related to them. πŸ˜‰ So, I’m just going to continue with the nonsense. It’s safer that way. πŸ˜‰

I could also choose to write current events. You know, how that stereotypical quote thingy said that smart people discuss issues, events, ideas blah blah and average people talk about people or whatever. However, I do not want to bore people. Plus, I’m aiming for laughter and ease of load in here. So yes, nonsense blogging. πŸ˜› IN CASE, I write something serious though, it’s serious for me. πŸ˜‰


Men and their “Strong” Arms in Salons

Today, I went to the salon. Of course, I had my hair done. What else would I do there? πŸ˜› Jokes. Anyway, I was actually surprised by the number of men in there the moment I walked in. Those men weren’t wearing an “I came here with my girlfriend/wife/whatever.” ensemble, they were in uniform – salon uniform that is. I didn’t actually have a preconceived notion as to what they were capable of. I just went in, no “keen observer” mode. It was turned off. I only thought they did male hair.

So yeah, while in there I was looking at people and what they were doing – usual chit chat, magazine reading, employees watching TV. For the better part of my stay, employees were enjoying this old movie starring Palito. haha! T’was actually fun. I just wasn’t able to watch from all the blow drying and stuff. And guess what? The men in the salon, they do the blow drying. Β And I’m not done yet. They do the straightening with the irons as well. Hey, new use for those muscles, guys! You will do a lot of good in women vanity, yeah? They’re actually pretty good and they don’t spend a lot of time doing small talk with other employees. They actually just work. They talk but they do it while having their eyes planted on your head. Awesome! πŸ˜€

I have nothing else to add. I’m terribly sleepy. So, good night! I might sleep early tonight. πŸ˜‰Β